Three accommodation types, with private bathroom, twin beds, fans and plug points.
We are privileged to operate our safaris in the Maseke section of Balule Nature Reserve. Balule makes up part of the Associated Private Nature Reserves- an area of 197 885 ha to which Balule contributes a sizable 55000 ha. Together with the scientists of the National Park Board, decisions are made on how to best manage the fauna and flora with the ecological criteria of maintaining biodiversity.

The use of fire as a management tool is vitally important and the science of fire ecology is a changing and dynamic discipline. This year, with the high fuel load from consecutive years of higher-than-average rainfall, controlled burning just before the first rains, was employed by many reserve managers including Balule. We executed two successful block burns and are watching with interest to monitor the regrowth and recovery after the first rains we hope to receive soon.